Investigating Materials and Minerals Complete Kit

Product Description

Throughout this module, students will use hands-on, inquiry-based explorations to investigate:
where deposits of minerals can be found.
how deposits form.
how minerals are mined.
what responsibilities you have in managing these resources.
the importance of minerals as a natural resource for producing materials.
Nail, 12 d.
Glass Plate, 1 x 2
Steel File
1000 mL Plastic Beaker
Battery Clip W/Solid Leads
Alligator Clip Leads
Small Hammer
2" x 4" x 1' Wood Piece
Large Bar Magnet
Electronic Scale
Large Mixing Bowl
250 mL Plastic Graduated Cylinder
Reusable Containers for Sand/Iron Measurements
Stirring Spoon
1" x 12 " Wood Dowel To Pack Mixture
Protective Foam Pad
Hand Lens, 3 x 6
Minerals Sample Set To Include Gypsum, Calcite, Quartz, Magnetite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Hematite, Bornite, Fluorite, Feldspar, Muscovite Mica & Biotite Mica (7 Specimans Of Each Rock)
Streak Plate
Small Magnet
Paper Clips
8" x 10" Plexiglass Piece
3" x 2" x 1/2" Wood Piece
3" x 2" x 1/2" Styrofoam Piece
Large Pizza Box, 14 x 14
Pencil Magnet
Electronic Stud Finder
Glass Baby Food Jar W/Cap-Sulfide Ore Experiment
3" Kitchen Sieve, Fine
Small Bicycle Air Pump
Heavy Duty Flip-Top Storage Container