Investigating Fossils Complete Kit
Product Description

Throughout this module, students will use hands-on, inquiry-based explorations to investigate:
why some things become fossils, while others do not.
how the environment affects how fossils form.
how fossils show the age of the Earth.
how life has changed over time.
what paleontologists do.
Palezoic Collection, 15 Specimans
Mesozoic Collection, 15 Specimans
Cenozoic Collection, 15 Specimans
Hand Lens
Ruler, Metric
Tennis Ball
Steel Marble
Bocci Ball
Super Ball
Soccer Ball
Windup Tape Measure
Small Clam Shells
9" x 5" x 3" Pan
Plastic Spoons
Large Mixing Bowls
Long Shallow Tub For Stream Table
14 x 14 Cardboard
Fossil Clamshell Set of 7
Gaming Die
Advanced Fossil Collection W/Descriptive Key Sheet & Time Chart
Heavy Duty Flip-Top Storage Container